
How Long Does It Take To Write 5000 Words

How long does it take you to write 1000 words?

Just curious to see average writing speeds. I've been amazed at some people's ability to pen 5-6000 words in a day, while others are a quarter of that.

Is this a factor of time-availability, or an energetic imagination & powerhouse typing?

Just how long does it take you to tot up 1k?

Edit: I'm currently taking about two hours, and that's without re-writing and when things are flowing relatively well.

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level 1

· 6y 18562 words

It varies. Right now, my Nano tracker is telling me I'm averaging ~963 words per hour (I track time too), but I had a great sprint this morning where I knocked out 1000+ words in about 30 minutes, which upped the average.

Love it when those rolls happen. I try to remember what it feels like when it suddenly takes me 2 hours to get through 500 words, which happens sometimes too.

level 2

· 6y 5k - 10k words

Is nano tracker a thing that is separate from the word counter, or are you just talking about the official word count thing on the site?

level 2

That's pretty good going. Like EskimoPrincess, would also like to hear more about this tracker if you have time.

level 1

About 30 minutes total. I can do ~500 in a 15 minute sprint providing I have figured out what I want to write about. Then I take a break for more tea and run another sprint. Now if I can reduce my breaks down to less than 40 minutes, I might really be on to something...

level 1

· 6y 0 words and counting

On average, about 25 minutes to knock out 1k if I'm in tip-top form. Otherwise it's a little over 30 minutes probably!

Timers are your best friends, as well as any word sprints. Knowing you have a deadline to write speeds it all up I think :)

level 1

Usually around an hour, but that averages out - I can write around 3K in three hours, but that accounts for the 30 minutes I spent fucking around on the internet during the first hour and the last hour of ultra-concentration where I usually pound out 1.5k.

But it averages out, so yeah, around 1,000 words/hour.

level 1

· 6y 5k - 10k words

It takes me like an hour to do about 1000 words, but it depends on how much of a roll I am on. I can type super fast, but I sometimes go back and edit little things as I write. If I am being a bit blocked, it could take as long as a few hours.

level 1

I need about an hour to hit the daily quota. I'm not straying very far from my outline so that keeps the story arcs moving in the right direction since I know what's coming next.

level 2

· 6y 0 words and counting

This is about my speed, too. I'm pretty far ahead of the people in my skype group but that's because I'm writing consistently for several hours a day and I know exactly where my story is going.

level 1

· 6y 50k+ words (And still not done!)

35-45 minutes as long as I'm not distracted. I set a timer and if I do 1000 in 45 I get 15 minutes of lazy time. And food

level 1

· 6y write me like one of your french girls

When I'm being all leisurely and semi-distracted and thinking about plot, I'm lucky to get 500 words in an hour. When I'm in a sprint, I can get 800 words in 20 minutes. I like to do a couple of sprints per night, otherwise it would take me 3+ hours to get all my words in.

level 1

· 6y 5k - 10k words

I do about 300 words an hour, give or take. Pretty steady pace. It usually takes me about 5 hours through the day to get my word goal.

level 1

· 6y 30k - 35k words

I think right now it's taking me about 2 hours (ish) to get through the 1667 for the day.

level 1

· 6y 50k+ words (Done!)

About 2 hours judging from past days, but it varies depending on what I'm writing. I can bang out dialogue pretty quickly, but I have to go back and add tags afterwards. I can do action reasonably fast if I don't have too many moving parts to keep track of.

Any time the characters get serious and emotional, I have to pick my words more carefully to express it, and it bogs way the hell down. Except for anger. I can do anger really easily.

level 2

· 6y 50k+ words (And still not done!)

My MC just got angry for the first time yesterday and DAMN can that girl swear. Angry words came easy that day.

level 1

Right now I'm tracking ~680 words a hour, but it tends to vary. I've found is that having a good outline helps to increase my speed.

level 1

40 to 50 minutes, depending how my attention spam and soundtrack.

level 1

IF I'm in my first draft, 1000 words takes me about 15 minutes.

I stress that it's first draft because in that phase, I don't have to care about what I'm writing, I already know it's asinine garbage, I'm just trying to get it all down.

level 2

· 6y 5k - 10k words

Do you ever feel like you're a tad superhuman while reaching that 1000 words in 15 minutes? I do about the same, and I can definitely agree about the first draft thing and how you can always go back later (I do fight with myself to not go back), but on some of the word sprints people are so amazed I can do 1000 words in so short amount of time.

level 2

That is extraordinary! You could more or less d the whole of nanowrimo in about 12.5 hours. Really envy your typing speed.

level 1

· 6y 0 words and counting

Mine varies a ridiculous amount, depending on my mood and if I'm in a good part of the story and how tired I am and if I've got a limited time, etc. It can be anywhere from 20 minutes to several hours.

How Long Does It Take To Write 5000 Words


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