
How Much To Install Backup Camera

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How Much Does It Cost To Install A Backup Camera?

A rear-view camera is an excellent way of enhancing driving safety and convenience. Information technology allows you to get a bang-up view of what'due south behind y'all without the hassle of looking back nor request someone else to guide yous. While nearly mod cars are already fitted with a rear camera, old-fashioned ones lack this amenity. Still, you can all the same perk upward your vehicle by installing a backup camera. Here's a guide on how much to install backup camera and other things you need to know.

Cost of Rear Camera Installation

It'due south hard to tell how much to install backup camera in a glance. At that place are 2 things that y'all need to gear up coin for, first, is the cost of the camera, and 2d is the cost of installation.

Photographic camera Toll

To know how much to install fill-in camera, you need to count several factors. On top are the photographic camera brand and type. The range for camera prices is $20 beingness the cheapest, with the loftier-end ones coming at around $700. Of course, you can't wait more economical products to go with the same features every bit the more expensive ones. These budget-friendly cameras are frequently single cameras and without a monitor. The more costly ones come with loftier-terminate multiple camera setups, a bigger monitor, and more advanced features such as a GPS tracker. There may besides be a notable difference in the immovability of the products offered at the extreme ends of this pricing calibration.

Installation Cost

You should also consider the installation procedure when computing how much to install a fill-in photographic camera. The installation will toll you effectually $75 to $200 depending on how complex the setup is. Remember that some car camera arrangement includes multiple cameras and are therefore require more complex installations.

A rough estimate for the backup camera installation's overall toll would be $100 to $m.

Installing a Rear Cam

Later on knowing how much to install backup camera, and you wish to forgo hiring a handyman to save up, you need to familiarize the steps in rear camera installation earlier pursuing the chore head-on. Doing so will facilitate ease of completion and volition save y'all fourth dimension and resources. Here's your guide on how to install a rear cam.

Set up Your Tools

  • Buy the correct device. When it comes to machine cameras, it'south all the same best to buy i that'south produced specifically for your unit. Customizing may only pb to poor service. You tin hands find what you're looking for at consumer electronics shops.
  • Cull an external backup monitor. If yous want to retain your erstwhile rear-view mirror, get a backup monitor that attaches onto the windshield instead of replacing the mirror entirely with a cam screen.
  • Secure your materials. For most camera installation, you lot will demand a camera and monitor splitter cords, connectors for video and ability cables, and RCA video. Most products come with all the necessary wires, while others don't. Information technology's best to inquire your sales guy to exist sure you have everything you need on the first. However, in that location are also wireless transmitters if you want to get rid of cables.

Wiring Installation

  • Remove the rear license plate. With the employ of a screwdriver, take off the license plate to requite room for the photographic camera.
  • Remove the interior panel to expose rear wiring. The panel is located inside your torso, on the reverse side of the plate'due south mounting section. Take information technology off using a pry tool.
  • Bore a tiny hole in the plate's mounting field. The pigsty should fit the camera's power and video wires snugly. Await to employ a drill bit with 1/8 and ¼ diameter.
  • Secure the cables using a safe grommet. Insert a safe washer with the right size effectually the hole before slipping the cables to secure them. Yous can quickly go these prophylactic washers in home improvement shops.
  • Wire the camera into the trunk. Draw the splitting end cable through the hole from the outside and into your car's trunk.
  • Locate the two cables that connect to the reverse light. These wires link the tail lights to the dashboard and are unremarkably located in your automobile's trunk.
  • Link upward the photographic camera cables with the contrary calorie-free cables. Wrap them with electrical tape later on to ensure safety.
  • Direct the video wires to the front end. Should there be a need, fuse the RCA cablevision to the cam'southward video connector. Then, span the wire where the fuse box is located, usually underneath the steering bicycle.

Photographic camera Installation

  • Attach the monitors. The external monitor attaches to the inductive windshield and the internal monitor to the rear-view mirror. Internal monitor installation is easy as you lot will merely need to prune the new device onto the mirror. But, external monitor installation can be tricky every bit you volition demand to adhere the mount first and and so affix the monitor onto information technology.
  • Directly the camera screen's splitter wire to the fuse box.
  • Connect the screen'southward cablevision to the RCA cablevision.
  • Affix the screen'south power cablevision to a fuse tap and plug it into the fuse box.
  • Attach the rear camera to the ability and video wires.
  • Secure the camera to the front of the license plate. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions as to camera placement.
  • See if it works. Perform the test in a safer area before bringing the automobile out in public roads, to requite you time to adjust.


Installing a backup camera is a must as information technology promotes safe driving. Concerns well-nigh how much to install backup camera should come first when deciding to become one. With numerous rear cameras in the market place at a friendly price range, y'all can surely find a device to suit your demand and budget. Know more almost backup cameras.


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