
When Did The First Camera Phone Come Out

Cameras in phones are ubiquitous. Few of us meet the need to behave a dedicated device for taking photos or videos anymore, and digital camera sales take slumped. Simply how did we get hither? Allow'southward accept a wait at the history of the photographic camera phone.

Samsung Sharp built the first photographic camera phone

The commencement cell phone with a built-in camera was manufactured by Samsung and released in Republic of korea in June of 2000. The SCH-V200 flipped open to reveal a 1.5-inch TFT-LCD, and the built-in digital camera was capable of taking 20 photos at 350,000-pixel resolution, which is 0.35-megapixels, only y'all had to hook it up to a computer to get your photos. The camera and the telephone components were essentially split devices housed in the same body.


J-SH0410There'due south a stiff statement that the first existent camera phone was produced past Sharp and released in Nihon past J-Phone (now SoftBank Mobile) in Nov of 2000. The J-SH04 could have photos, like the one on the right (from Japanese site Showcase) at 110,000-pixel resolution or 0.eleven-megapixels. The real difference betwixt it and the Samsung SCH-V200 was the fact that the J-SH04 allowed yous to transport your photos electronically. Here'southward how the BBC reported on it back in 2001, the comments are priceless.

Outset U.Due south. photographic camera telephone – Sanyo SCP-5300

sanyo_scp5300_street_smallInformation technology was November 2002 before the U.S. adopted the crazy Japanese trend with the Sanyo SCP-5300 on Sprint. It price $400 and it featured a mesomorphic clamshell pattern. With a 0.iii-megapixel capability, it could capture shots at 640 10 480 pixels. The one pictured on the left comes from this IGN review. The Sanyo SCP-5300 also had a bones flash, white remainder command, cocky-timer, digital zoom, and diverse filter effects like sepia, blackness and white, and negative colors.

By the cease of 2003, camera phones were actually taking off in the U.S. and over 80 million had already been sold worldwide. We even covered the tendency by reporting that photographic camera phones rival DVD players sales back in November 2003. The good news for consumers was that quality was rise and prices were dropping.

1.3MP arrives with Audiovox PM8920

Audiovox_pm-8920Standing to push the camera phone trend, Sprint released the PM8920 in July of 2004. It was the start phone in the U.S. to feature a 1.three-megapixel camera capable of capturing 1280 10 960 pixel resolution shots. Non but could you share these pictures wirelessly, they were good enough to print every bit well. It had a dedicated camera button and a decent variety of settings, including a multi-shot selection for taking viii quick photos in a row, and the ability to record your own shutter sound. It was bachelor for $150 after rebates ($299 RRP).

By the end of 2004 the photographic camera telephone was riding high. Canalys reported that over half of the phones sold worldwide in the first 9 months of 2004 had cameras in them, and two-thirds of all the phones shipped in the third quarter were camera phones. Leading the fashion was Finnish manufacturer, Nokia.

2MP in the Nokia N90

Nokia_N90In 2005 the Nokia N90 landed to have the camera phone to new heights. Non only did information technology avowal a 2MP camera, it as well had Carl Zeiss eyes, autofocus, and an LED flash. It will probably be best remembered for that rotating screen, which gave it a camcorder feel. Here's our Nokia N90 review from dorsum in the solar day.

Sony steps it up

800px-Almaco_Jack_Dec_08The main competitor for Nokia in the camera artillery race was Sony Ericsson. Conveying Sony's Cyber-shot digital camera branding in that location were quite a few decent releases intended to steal Nokia's photographic camera telephone crown, not least the Sony Ericsson K800i released in 2006. It had a iii.2MP camera with auto-focus, paradigm stabilization, and a Xenon wink. The photo on the right was taken with the Sony Ericsson K790i variant which had the same camera.

Nokia naturally retaliated with models like the 3.2MP N73, simply in 2007 the feature phone reached its pinnacle.

5MP in the Nokia N95

Nokia_N95Samsung produced the first v-megapixel photographic camera phone, merely the first one to prove really popular was Nokia's N95. It was a chunky slider packed with features, just none were as impressive as that 5-megapixel camera with the Carl Zeiss lens. It took beautiful photos and it could record video at 30 frames-per-second. In fact, 5MP remained every bit a high-end standard for several years. Sadly for Nokia the smartphone revolution was simply around the corner, and our Nokia N95 review bemoaned the lack of a touchscreen. A practiced camera would not be plenty to continue Nokia on the rise.

To put it in perspective, the original iPhone hit the market a few months subsequently the N95, in June 2007, and it had a 2MP camera with no flash or auto-focus and no video recording capability.

8MP from Samsung


In 2008 the Samsung i8510, too known equally the INNOV8, held the first 8MP camera to striking the market, but in design terms Samsung was copying the wrong company. This release looked like function of Nokia'south Due north range, but these designs were growing steadily less popular. Nokia followed suit with the N86, only it was LG that released the first touchscreen camera phone with an 8MP camera. It was called the LG Renoir.

The race for megapixels continued and Samsung hit 12MP first with the M8910 Pixon12 in 2009. It was soon bested past Nokia's N8 in 2010 and the 16MP Sony Ericsson S006 at the end of the year.

Smartphones stall the camera'due south progress

iPhone_camera_comparisonThe race to improve the cameras in phones stalled a scrap equally smartphones took off. The iPhone proved that there were more than important features than the camera. Information technology was also vital for manufacturers to produce slim, attractive devices, and the really powerful camera phones upwards to that point had all been seriously chunky. Some exasperated commentators also tried to point out that the quality of a camera is nigh more than merely the number of megapixels. This serial of photos by Lisa Bettany compares unlike iPhone models.

3D flop

HTC-EVO-3DBoth HTC and LG tried to jump on the 3D bandwagon in 2011 and released phones with dual 5MP cameras capable of taking photos or capturing video in stereographic 3D. As it turned out, there was no real demand.

Most manufacturers seemed to exist getting the message. The focus was shifting to software features that would offering extra value for people interested in photography.

The ascent of software features for cameras

Google Nexus 4 Review camera photo sphere android phone

We've had Photo Sphere from Google and Panorama manner from Apple. BlackBerry came up with Time Shift and at that place was the oddly-named Zoe from HTC. We've also seen more filters and effects baked into the diverse mobile platforms, but these are largely things that apps have offered for a long time now. They're great for people who desire to spend the time getting into them, but most of us forget those kinds of novelties pretty quickly. What nosotros really want is good signal-and-shoot functionality to capture life in all its spontaneous celebrity.

Bigger and improve

As HTC tries to convince us that a 4-megapixel camera is enough in its HTC 1, Nokia is re-igniting the battle with a typically ferocious assault. High-end smartphones, similar Sony's Xperia Z are maxing out at xiii-megapixels. Fifty-fifty Samsung's camera focused S4 variant, the Zoom, merely has a 16-megapixel sensor (although the optical zoom is its primal feature). The Nokia Lumia 1020 has a 41-megapixel photographic camera in information technology. This is how it compares to the iPhone five (the photo on the left is mislabeled equally iPhone 4).

nokia lumia 1020 iphone 4 photo comparison

Whether we actually demand the cameras in our phones to be too much ameliorate than they are now is debatable, but you could say that near a lot of tech. The Chicago Sun-Times publicly sacked photographers and expects iPhone-toting reporters to take their own photos. That may not be the wisest decision, but the fuss information technology generated was more focused on the skills of the photographer than the equipment. Information technology's not unusual for a professional photographer to use an iPhone, and it'south far from the most powerful photographic camera telephone on the market place.

The hereafter for camera phones

The Lumia 1020 looks fix to be the best camera phone on the market place for some time to come. Information technology's worth mentioning that Nokia'due south first 41-megapixel camera phone was the PureView 808 in early on 2012, but considering it was stuck on Nokia's one-time Symbian smartphone OS (the same 1 as the N95), sales were aught special. Windows Phone is a lot meliorate, but it remains to be seen how many people will be tempted in. In any case, y'all can be certain that the camera phone war is far from over. Things are just heating upward, in fact. Samsung's Galaxy S4 Zoom is coming and the Sony i1 could be a contender later this year.

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